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SNOW SALE - 20 - 40% Off!
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Rental cancellation



Cancellation Policy / Refunds and Rental Credits :

Any cancellations or changes of a rental reservation :
  • up to 7 full days prior to the set pick-up date can be granted a refund or a Rental Credit with no additional fee.
  • within 3 days and up until 1pm the day prior to the set pick-up date will result in a Rental Credit less a $25 fee.
  • after 1PM the day prior to the set pick-up date of the reservation will be NON REFUNDABLE for a refund or a Rental Credit.

Rental Credits cannot be redeemed for any services or purchases other than renting snowboards, skis, and the rental gear that may come with those two activities. Rental Credits are only valid within the current snow season it was issued.


Considerations :
  • You are responsible for this rental equipment! If equipment is not returned, stolen, damaged, and/or broken you are responsible to pay for such equipment according to the pricing listed in Exhibit A.
  • Please keep an eye on this equipment. Stolen equipment on the mountain is at an all time high.
  • Don’t be mean, keep it clean. Please return rental equipment in reasonably clean condition with boots buckled/laced. A cleaning fee, not to exceed $15, may be applied.
  • Be kind, return on time. Rental equipment must be returned to it’s originating Val Surf location before 1PM on the agreed due date.
    Late Return = Late Fee. Late Fee = Double cost of first day for each late item, for each day late.
  • Rentals are NON REFUNDABLE.